A room full of people wearing black. Could be a party, a concert or a funeral. Depending on what's at the center; a bottle of vodka, a possessed concert director,...
Being. Being a human. Being a worn out photograph. Being a mold on a wall corner. Being is underestimated.Whatever exists in the now has a limited contingency, whether it's our...
Photography is a never ending journey where the photographers have to find themselves in their work. Those immerging themselves enough, find out sooner or later that photography (as in every...
Photojournalism was once the main vehicle of delivering visual information about worldwide events. It is still prevalent of course, but as widely reported, the world of photojournalism as it was...
Time is an entity that can be as simple as it is enigmatic, as fast or slow as our perception can reach, as pleasant or unbearable as our senses believe...
Photographing, documenting and working with found objects often originates from a connection made between the finder and the object. The reason for choosing a found object is multi-faceted and complex...
The prevalence and everydayness of motherhood should make it one of the most mundane, and banal of events. The commonality of the whole thing should make it unremarkable in both...
What does it mean to be a woman? Does it mean blood on your panties, whistlings on the streets, perfect eyebrows, shaved vulvas, and pubic hair? Does it mean pink...
What characterizes Kristina Borinskaya (@borinskayakristina)’s project Love and Anguish isn’t the atmosphere of broken dialogues but rather the awkward relationship between two psychologically distant bodies, and the events from the...