"Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that...
Science has always been a fountain of processes, structure and knowledge. We have been making science since the beginning of our species. Observing our surroundings, experimenting, creating theories and accepting...
Wellness and identity have always been the golden nuggets everyone is trying to find or the infinite puzzle we can't resist to decipher. Science, astrology, the bible, gossip magazines; everyone...
Visual representations of romantic public affection are an influential form of cultural currency. They teach observers who is allowed to share a kiss, and about the power of vulnerability. It's...
Most of the people I know entered 2022 battling fatigue and indifference. The feeling that “nothing matters anyway” seems to seep into conversations with classmates and relatives alike. While it...
The story of each one of us stretches so long in the past, that even before our conception, we are already passive agents printed with expectations, opinions, assumptions, and hopes...
Dichotomies have ruled the way we see each other for a long time; black and white, tall and short, fat and skinny. Our occidental belief system, and a chaotic unconscious...
During the winter season, many people struggle to come to terms with ideals surrounding family and the ability to go “home” for the holidays. While having and constructing a home...
When discussing decolonization and indigenous rights New Zealand has often been hailed for its progressive political landscape and efforts through economic settlement agreements to right the wrongs of British colonization...
The current Covid-19 pandemic era has come with some surprising news; cancer rates have dropped. Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that this statistic is artificial. A result of deflated...