In the misty villages of Calabria, Italy, werewolf legends hover like ghosts, both ancient and mysterious. These stories carry a long history of folk culture and the invisible shackles of patriarchal society on women. Noemi Comi (@noemicomi), a visual artist and conceptual photographer, opens a new chapter in the werewolf legend with her project Lupus Hominarius.

This work is not a simple image reproduction, but a modern interpretation of the werewolf legend in Calabria. Noemi explores the land's werewolf lore, starting with a werewolf story found in a guidebook in 1883. In these stories, werewolves are fierce beasts and also symbols of fear and control in a patriarchal society. In particular, the "wedding night" legend, in which the bride died at the hands of her werewolf husband at the consummation of her marriage, was largely intended to restrict women's freedom and prevent them from going out alone at night.
Noemi Comi
© Noemi Comi
In addition, Noemi's clever use of color and composition combines the female image with pink, a color often seen as feminine, yet presents a visual impact that transcends gender stereotypes. The choice, she explained, was designed to push one color to the extreme as an expression of an aversion to radical dualism. These images are not only a condemnation of patriarchy but also an exploration of the fluidity of gender roles. Through surreal atmospheres and intense color contrasts, she manages to construct a world that is both familiar and unfamiliar, inviting viewers to revisit the connections between seemingly distant legends and modern society.
Noemi Comi
© Noemi Comi
Noemi excels at documenting the invisible or unreal, giving voice to subjects that are taboo or difficult to represent visually. In this work, she creates a space between reality and fiction, allowing the viewer to explore the true face of the werewolf in a visual maze. Through dystopian and disturbing images, she brings to life the impact of these legends on modern society.

Her work is a display of visual art and a vivid case study of anthropology. In addition to exploring the social structures and power relations behind werewolf legends and their profound impact on women's behavior patterns, she further exposes the absurdity and cruelty of these practices through descriptions of traditional rituals, such as the brutal rituals performed on boys to prevent the outbreak of werewolf disease.
Noemi Comi
© Noemi Comi
Through her work, we reexamine the truth and absurdity behind these ancient legends. This work is a modern interpretation of ancient legends and a reflection on mankind's common memory.
Noemi Comi
© Noemi Comi